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Pasta Recipe
This Wholemeal Pasta As Part Of Your Mediterranean Diet
The first time that
we tasted this wholemeal pasta recipe we could not believe how much
tastier it was compared to the dried type. We use it as part of our
Mediterranaen Diet because it
contains far more
nutrients than white pasta.
This is because it's made
from wholemeal flour.
In the milling process, only the
outside husk (bran) is removed, whereas all of the husk layers and the
germ are removed from white flour, leaving mainly starch and little
Wholemeal is a great source of B vitamins and minerals,
helps prevent different cancers, aids in the lowering of cholestrol,
the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is full of
healthy heart fibre.....and much more.
Why not include this in your own Mediterranean
Diet it's healthy and
full of goodness.
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There is a whole range of dried wholemeal pasta available in the
shops like this macaroni. However we really enjoy making our own
wholemeal pasta...it's great fun and
very easy.
You also know exactly what goes into it when you make it yourself -
fresh wholesome ingredients. Here is our favourite recipe:
Pasta Recipe
for 3 - 4 people
- 3/4 cup/105g pure wholemeal flour
- 3/4 cup/105g white, plain flour
- 2 large eggs, beaten
When you are buying wholemeal flour check that it is 100% wholemeal as
sometimes it is a 50/50 mix with white flour. (This happens in Spain)
If it is a 50/50 mix use 1 1/2 cups/210 g in this recipe and forget
about the white flour.
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Pasta Method
- Put the flour into a largish bowl and make a
well in the centre.
- Pour in the eggs and stir well, gradually
incorporating them into all of the flour.
- When it gets too stiff to handle put your clean
hands into the dough and start kneading the mixture really
- Keep kneading until all of the flour has
dissappeared and the dough is very firm and smooth.
- If it feels slightly soft you may have to knead
in some extra flour, or if it is too stiff to incorporate all of the
flour just add a tiny touch of water to get the dough together evenly
(All flours vary in consistency so this sometimes happens)
- Cover with cling film, and put into the fridge
for at least an hour to cool and rest.
- The pasta is now ready to put through the
machine....we usually make spagetti or in this case we made tagliatelli.
- As you make each batch have a coat hanger ready
hanging from a kitchen cupboard door and hang the pasta over it to dry
off slightly.
- Have a large pot of boiling salted water on the
go and as soon as you have finished making and hanging the pasta gently
ease it into the bubbling water.
- Give it a stir and allow to boil for about 3
minutes....yes it's very quick, and drain immediately through a
- Add the sauce of your choice(see below) and
serve immediately with a little grated parmesan if desired. You will
LOVE it!
This Fabulous Really Easy Spinach Sauce With it.
- 7oz/200g Leaf Spinach
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 2 small dried chilli's bashed
- 2 pinches nutmeg
- 1/2 vegetable or chicken stock cube, crumbled
- Pour the leaf spinach into a large mixing bowl
and using a stick blender whizz it until it has gone into a smooth
- Heat the olive oil in a medium fry pan and
saute the garlic over medium heat.
- Add the chilli, the nutmeg and finally the
- Stir well until the sauce is starting to bubble.
- It's now ready to toss into the pasta.
- Serve immediately with grated parmesan.

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