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Toffee Pudding Recipe
Classic Sticky Toffee Pudding with a Mediterranean Twist

sticky toffee pudding recipe, is one of our favourite desserts.
It's light, gooey, packed with juicy Mediterranean dates, and has the
most amazing, to die for, velvety toffee
One of our very occasional naughty treats!
It's great to make ahead of time...either keep
in the fridge, or freeze it,
no problem.
If you are making it for children you can leave out the brandy.
All of our friends rave about this sticky toffee pudding, and yet it is
so easy and
quick to make.
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Toffee Pudding Recipe Ingredients
make 8 small individual puddings
- 6oz/150g stoned dates, chopped
- 175ml boiling water
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 teaspoons coffee essence
- 3/4 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 3oz/75g butter at room temperature
- 5oz/140g brown sugar
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 2 cardamon pods with the seeds removed, and
ground finely in a pestle and mortar
- 6oz/150g self raising flour, sifted
the sauce
- 1oz/25g walnuts or pecans, roughly chopped
- 6oz/175g brown sugar
- 4oz/110g butter
- 6 tablespoons double/heavy cream
- 4 tablespoons warmed brandy
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will need 8 baby pudding or dariole moulds greased with butter
Sticky Toffee Pudding Recipe Method
- First of all put the dates into a medium sized
bowl and pour the boiling water over them.
- Add the coffee essence, vanilla extract and the
bicarbonate of soda, giving them a quick mix.
- Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter
and brown sugar until pale, light and fluffy.
- Gradually add the eggs, beating well.
- Carefully fold in the flour and ground cardamon.
- Add the date mixture and evenly mix.
- Divide the mixture between the dariole moulds
put onto a baking tray.
- Place in the oven at 180ºc/350ºf on the middle
shelf and bake for approximately 25 minutes, until the tops are firm
springy to the touch.
- While the puddings are baking make the sauce.
- Put the walnuts/pecans, brown sugar and butter
into a small heavy based pan.
- Stir over a medium heat until all of the butter
has melted and the sugar has dissolved, then turn the heat to high and
add the cream.
- Bring to the boil, stirring all the time
- Allow to boil for about 4 minutes, until you
have a glossy, thick sauce. Put to the side
- When you take the puddings out of the oven
allow them stand for 5 minutes before removing them from their moulds.
(Just slide a knife around the outside of each pudding, and turn them
upside down on to a plate.)
- Carefully pour half a tablespoon of the warm
brandy on to the top of each pudding, and then pour over the hot sauce.
Serve Immediately
- We love them with a dollop of our vanilla ice cream recipe.
If you want to make these the day before simply
de-mould them and put onto a large plate that fits into your
microwave, pour on the brandy and cover them, making sure they are well
sealed, with cling film. Refrigerate. Then when you want to serve them,
buzz them in the microwave for about 3-4 minutes, till warmed through,
serve them on individual plates with the hot sauce poured over. Easy.

Toffee Pudding and Vanilla Ice Cream

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