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Meuniere Recipe
A New
at this Classic French Fish Dish
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Meuniere (miller's wife), is a classic and simple French fish dish, now
mainly forgotten. The miller's wife would have had access to plenty of
flour to coat her Sole before cooking and was probably a good plain
cook with few airs and graces.
Nowadays in our constant search for
new and exciting cuisines from all over the World a lot of old rustic
style cooking is being lost forever:
have adapted the original recipe just a little with the addition of
Olive oil and Garlic and the result is something very special. Just
follow the step-by-step recipe below and you can be eating Great Sole
tonight. A great recipe for your Mediterranean Diet.
- 4
Good sized fillets of Sole -
Dover Sole is
best, but Lemon Sole and Tilapia work well too.
- 2 Ozs./50g. of plain flour.
- 2 Ozs./50g. of butter.
- 2 Tablespoons of good extra virgin olive oil.
- 1 Large lemon (juice of).
- 2 Cloves of garlic (finely chopped).
- 1 Handfull of flatleaf parsley (chopped).
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
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- Season the
flour with plenty of salt and black pepper and coat the Sole fillets
well making sure to shake off any excess flour.
- Heat
the oil and butter together
in a large non stick fry pan
(the oil will stop the butter from burning) and add the fish fillets.
- Cook gently on both sides for about ten minutes
(depending on the the thickness of the fillets), until cooked and
- Remove the fish from the pan and keep it
- Now add the garlic to the pan and cook (gently)
for about two minutes.
- Add the parsley and stir.
- Finally - whisk in the lemon juice - check for
seasoning and you're ready to serve.
- Arrange the fish fillets on four plates and
spoon over the sauce.
- Finish with a final sprinkling of parsley.
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