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Sauce Recipe
"Sugo Alla Puttanesca" in Italian - literally sauce in the whore's
style is a relative newcomer as a pasta sauce.
Normally served with spaghetti, it's a great accompanyment to any pasta.
Invented in the 60s in southern Italy it is an easy, quick and
cheap way to bring together some of the iconic tastes and aromas of the
Salty anchovies, spicy chillis and aromatic garlic, with plump black
olives and sharp capers - the whole topped with fresh Parmesan cheese.
Smells and tastes divine and can be put together in around ten minutes.
Delight your friends with this Italian classic.
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Sauce Recipe Ingredients For 4 People
- 1 x fresh
pasta recipe made into spaghetti, or 360g of a good dried
cooked accordingly
- 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 6 fat cloves of garlic finely chopped
- 2 x small tins anchovies (45g/2oz
actual weight of fish 29g/1oz x 2)
- 4 small dried chilli's, ground
- 2 x 450g/1lb can chopped plum tomatoes
- 24 stoned black olives, halved
- 4 heaped teaspoon capers
- A big handfull of parsley chopped
- Seasoning to taste
- Grated parmesan to accompany finished dish
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Puttanesca Sauce Recipe Method
- Gently heat 4 tablespoons of the olive oil over
a low to medium heat in
a fry pan.
- Add the garlic and very gently cook until
soft.....do not brown or it
will spoil the flavour.
- Add the anchovies and the chilli, and continue
to cook, at the same
time mashing the mixture together with a wooden spoon, until an even
paste is formed.
- Add the tomatoes and the rest of the
ingredients and stir well.
- Turn up the heat, and allow to simmer
for about 10 minutes.
- Take off the heat and stir in the parsley.
- Have your spaghetti cooked, drained and still
its hot cooking pan.
- Pile the hot sauce into the pasta an mix well.
Add the remaining olive
oil and a good grinding of black pepper.
- Check the seasoning.
- Spoon into warm bowls and serve immediately
with grated parmesan and a good bottle of red wine to drink.
- Delicious and amazingly quick!

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