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Fried Salmon "Andaluz"

Easy Mediterranean Pan Fried
This great recipe qualifies for
our healthy living seal of approval. Fresh - skinless
Salmon (use Wild if you can) vegetables and health giving Spices.
This really sophisticated Pan
Fried Salmon recipe is simple to prepare
and easy to present, yet it looks stunning and tastes fantastic.
It combines Mediterranean flavors with healthy and
nutritious Salmon, and the combination really works.
With the advent of fish farming Salmon has become a part of daily life,
rather than the infrequent luxury it used to be, and in various forms
it has found its way into the Mediterranean
Diet. Grilled, fried,
poached, baked and even marinated in Lime and Coriander, it continues
to show its versatility.
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Ingredients For Four People
- 4 Skinless - boneless Salmon cutlets - about
6ozs. each.
- 1 Large orange - juice and zest.
- 1 Large lemon - juice and zest.
- 1/2 A cup (4 fl. ozs.) fish or chicken stock.
- 1 Clove of garlic - skin on - bashed.
- 12 Black olives pitted and halved.
- 2 Heaped teaspoons of capers.
- Plain flour to dust.
- Corn starch to thicken the sauce (cornflour).
- 2 Tbs. olive oil to fry.
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

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- O.K. first make the sauce - Really Easy.
- Put the lemon & orange juice and the
zest into a pan with the stock and bring to the boil.
- Simmer
gently for ten minutes and
adjust for
- Thicken to the desired consistency with a
little slaked corn starch (cornflour).
- Add the olives and capers and remove from the
- Season the plain flour with plenty of salt and
black pepper.
- Turn the salmon cutlets over in the seasoned
flour until well covered.
- Now fry the salmon in the olive
oil in a non
stick fry pan for about ten minutes - until all
surfaces are browned.
- Pop the cutlets into a low oven to keep warm.
- Then reheat the sauce and serve with saffron
paella rice and steamed brocoli, for a super healthy

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