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Onion Tart
recipe - 'Tarte a l'ognion' 'Tarta de Cebollas' is a great
Mediterranean recipe and we've made our own version for you.
It's so versatile: great as an individual starter, or sliced as a light
lunch with a crisp salad. Wonderfull picnic fare and even good warmed
up at supper time. The secret is to cook the onion mix really well,
until it's brown and caramelised, rich and full of flavour.
Our onion tart recipe is easy to prepare and cook and the results are
for the Onion Tart Recipe
Tart Recipe filling
- 2 tablesp. olive oil for frying
- 2 large onions halved and sliced thinly
- 1
large clove of garlic crushed
- 1 chicken or vegetable stock cube
- 1 tsp. mixed herbs
- 4 large eggs
- 1/2 litre of full fat milk...or a mixture of
milk and cream
- A good pinch of cayenne pepper
- A good pinch of nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 Level tsp. sugar
- A good grind of black pepper
- 100gms grated strong cheese
Make up one recipe of Pam's
famous, crumbly shortcrust pastry,
or use a good quality store bought pastry. This recipe will make one
large 10"/24cm. onion tart recipe or six individual 4"/10cm tarts (see
photo below).
- Right
- roll out the pastry and line a 10 inch quiche
dish, or 6 individual 4" dishes, making sure
that the pastry on the sides is about 1/2 inch above the rim of your
dish (this allows for shrinkage during baking).
- Line the pastry case/cases with the greaseproof
and fill with ceramic pie weights or baking beans, evenly
spread out over the
whole surface.
- Place on a baking
sheet into a pre heated oven
at 400f / 200c and bake for 20 minutes.
- Remove the grease proof paper and pie
and return to oven for a further 15 mins for a large quiche, 10-12
minutes for the small ones. The pastry should be a pale golden brown.
- OK - take out of the oven and allow to cool.
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the Filling
- Heat
the olive oil in a large
non-stick fry pan
and add the sliced onions and sugar
(the sugar will help the onion to brown and caramelize).
- Cook over a medium heat, stirring
all of the
time, until the onion starts to colour.
- Add the garlic and continue stirring until the
mixture is golden brown.
- Crumble in the stock cube, and add the mixed
- Then - take it off the heat and allow to cool.
- In a bowl beat the eggs well and add the
milk/cream mixture, cayenne, black pepper, and salt.
- Beat again until evenly mixed.
- Take the cooled pastry case, which has been
placed on a baking sheet, and spread the
onion mixture over the base....or just divide the mixture evenly
between the individuals.
- Sprinkle the grated cheese on top, and
carefully pour in the egg and milk mixture. Again, with the
individuals, just divide the cheese and the egg mix between then evenly.
- Bake
on the middle shelf of a pre heated oven at 400f / 200c
for 25/30
minutes until the top of the tart/s is golden brown and firm to the
touch. The individuals will take slightly less time.
- Serve hot or warm. Great with our tomato salsa recipe.

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