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Croque Monsieur Recipe
is our take on the classic croque monsieur recipe. Inspired by a
simular version that we had in a tiny French restaurant in Cannes a few
years ago.
We have made a Spanish version using wholmeal bread (more healthy),
chorizo and manchego...instead of white bread, ham and gruyere cheese.
I suppose, really it's a Croque Madame as we have added an
egg, but c'est la vie!
It makes a yummy breakfast, snack or starter and is easy peasy to
looking much more chic than a sandwich!
Another great Mediterranean
Diet recipe.
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Monsieur Recipe Ingredients
For 6 individual tarts
the bechamel sauce
- 3/4 oz/20g butter
- 3/4 oz/20g flour
- 1/4 pt/5fl oz/1/2 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- 6 slices wholemeal bread, crusts removed
- Softened butter
- 6 slices of chorizo
- 6 small eggs - if you use larger ones you will
need to discard some of the white before you place them in the cases,
or it will run out all over the pan/tray
- Finely grated Manchego cheese
- Salt and black pepper.
You will need a rolling pin and a 6 cup muffin pan/tray.
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Croque Monsieur Recipe Method
- First make the bechamel sauce by melting the
butter in a small saucepan over medium heat and then whisking in the
flour until it forms a paste. Off the heat whisk in the milk gradually
until the sauce is smooth. Return to a medium heat and gradually bring
to the boil, whisking all the time. Once boiled and thickened take off
the heat and whisk in the mustard and seasoning to taste. Put to one
- Put a slice of the bread on to a clean work
surface and, using a rolling pin, roll it out flatter to about half
it's original thickness.
- Repeat with the other slices.
- Generously spread the softened butter over one
side of each slice of bread and then, butter side down, ease the slices
evenly into each cup in the muffin tin.
- Take a slice of chorizo and cut half way into
the diameter and form it into a smaller cone shape and press into the
bottom of the bread case, then repeat with the others.
- Carefully crack an egg and gently ease it out
of it's shell on top of the chorizo. Repeat with the rest.
- Smooth over a spoonfull of the bechamel so that
it completely covers the eggs and comes almost to the top of the
- Finish off with a good sprinkle of the grated
- Put into a pre heated oven 200ºc/400ºf for 10
minutes. (Leave them in 5-10 minutes longer if you want a semi or hard
- Let them rest for 2-3 minutes and then
carefully ease them out of each cup.
- Serve immediately and wait for the praise.

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