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Salad Recipe
Own Version of this Authentic Couscous Salad Recipe
This couscous
salad recipe has all the flavours of the Moroccan Mediterranean.
It is a light and very healthy lunch or supper idea, that is really
quick and easy to prepare.
If you want a vegetarian version, just miss out the chicken....it is
delicious just on it's own.
Why not include it in your own Mediterranean
Eat well - feel full and satisfied and lose those excess pounds without
undue effort.
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Salad Recipe Ingredients
- 2 chicken breast fillets, skin on
- 2 tablespoon
extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 heaped
teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 piece star anise, 2 small dried chilli's all
ground together finely in a pestle and mortar.
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 4oz/125g couscous
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 125ml boiling water
- Small handfull chopped fresh mint (or dried)
- 1/2 medium onion, roughly chopped
- 2 cloves garlic finely sliced
- 1/2 small aubergine in 1" cubes
- 1/2 small red pepper in 1" dice
- 1/2 small courgette in 1" dice
- 1 smallish tomato in 1" dice
- 1/4 teaspoon chilli powder
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Couscous Salad Recipe Method
- First
of all make two or three diagonal cuts
through the skin into the flesh of the 2 chicken breasts.
- Then make the marinade in a bowl by combining
well 1 tablespoon of olive oil with the salt, ground spices and the
- Add the chicken breasts and thoroughly mix them
together so that the marinade is coating them evenly.
- Allow to stand
for at least 1 hour, 2 would be even better
- Using a non stick fry pan add the remaining
olive oil and bring to a medium heat.
- Add the chicken breasts and seal for about 6
minutes on each side, so that they are a golden brown in colour and the
skin is crispy.
- Keep the pan with its juices to one side.
- Transfer
the breasts to an oven tray and place
in the oven at 180ºc/350ºf.
- Pour the boiling water onto the couscous and
salt in a large bowl and allow to stand for about five minutes, before
fluffing up and separating the grains with a fork.
- Throw in most of the
mint (keep a little back for garnish) and mix well.
- Put the pan used for the chicken back on
a medium heat and add the onion, saute till coloured, then add the rest
of the ingredients stirring well as they cook.
- Put the lid on and turn
the heat down to low.
- Allow to simmer for a further 5 minutes,
stirring occasionally, until
the vegetables are just cooked.
- Add this mixture to the bowl of cous cous and
mix well.
- Take the chicken out of the oven and slice
diagonally as in photo below. Be careful, it will be hot so use a sharp
knife and a carving fork.
- Pile the cous cous mixture on to 2 plates, or
for a more authentic look use a tagine,
and arrange the chicken on the
top, sprinkle with chopped mint. Serve warm or cold.

Chicken Breast for the Couscous Salad Recipe

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