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Au Vin Recipe
Mediterranean Food
Ever wanted to have a
au Vin Recipe
but were too worried about the cholesterol laden calorie count. All
butter and flour, all the fatty pimply chicken skin. Well, this recipe
has been developed to give you all the flavour of the original French
recipe, with a fraction of the calories.
Out goes the butter,
out goes the flour, out goes the skin, out goes all that fatty bacon.
In comes great olive oil, in comes wind
dried (low fat) chorizo, red
peppers for Mediterranean flavour, and just a little
cornflour(cornstarch) to thicken the sauce.
You really should
try this on your friends, they'll be amazed at so much concentrated
taste in such a healthy dish. All you have to do is follow the
step-by-step instructions below (the pictures will help), to produce a
really healthy, hearty,
Coq au Vin Recipe.
It's a lot easier
than the original too.
Per Person
You can find other great recipes on the Site here:
for four people.
- 4 Chicken legs
(skinned and cut in two).
- 1 Large onion
(roughly chopped).
- 4 Large
mushrooms (1" cubes).
- 6 Cloves of
garlic (finely chopped).
- 6
(sliced on the diagonal).
- 4 Tablespoons
of extra virgen olive oil
- 1 Bouquet
Garni of fresh herbs
(thyme,rosemary,marjoram and 3 bayleaves).
- 1 Hand full of
flat leaf parsley (chopped).
- 1/2 a decent
bottle of red wine (don't worry too
much about where it comes from - no-one will know the difference).
- 1 Cup about
8 ozs. of chicken stock (use a good
quality stock cube if you don't have any made up stock).
- 1 or 2
teaspoons of cornflour (corn starch)
slaked in a little cold water (to thicken the sauce).
- 2ozs. Good
quality chorizo - sliced.
- Salt and black
pepper to taste.
This great recipe qualifies for
our healthy living seal of approval. Fresh - skinless
chicken meat (use organic if you can)
vegetables and health giving Spices.
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Coq Au Vin Recipe Method
3/. Chop the
onions, garlic, mushrooms and red pepper and add all (but the
garlic) to your frying pan (skillet), with the rest of the oil.
4/. Brown
it all well.
5/. Add the
and cook for two minutes at a lower heat.
6/. Then
add the chorizo, most of the parsley, the
bouquet garni and carrots,
before transferring to the saucepan with the chicken.
Per Person
7/. Now add the
wine and stock, bring to the boil
and cook for 30 minutes with the lid on.
8/. Remove
the lid and cook for a further 20 minutes.
9/. Transfer the
chicken pieces to an ovenproof casserole.
10/. Boil
up the sauce and thicken with
corn flour (corn starch).
11/. Check for
seasoning and then, pour over the
chicken and you are ready
to serve.
Sprinkle with
the rest of the parsley and plate it up at the table.

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