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Chicken Pie Recipe
A Mediterranean Chicken Pie Recipe - A picnic on the beach with the
blue Mediterranean lapping at your toes, the warm sand, the light sea
breezes carrying the aromas of charcoal fires, a bottle of chilled
white wine and a wonderfull creamy, crusty Chicken Pie with a crispy
fresh salad.
We've recreated this recipe from a lunch we had several years ago on a
beach in Sardinia that beautiful Italian island. A few of the
ingredients have
changed over the years as our tastes have evolved, but the overall
flavours remain the same. Try it yourself - you won't be sorry.
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Pie Recipe Ingredients
- 1-1/2 lb /675g plain flour
- 6oz /175g butter
- 6oz/175g margarine
- 1/2 teasp salt
- 2 tablesp water
- 1 Beaten egg for glazing
the Filling
- 3 Tbs. olive oil
- 2 chicken legs, boned, skinned and cut into
large dice
- 1 large onion, roughly chopped
- 2
large sticks of green celery including tops,
roughly chopped
- 1 medium red pepper, cut into large dice
- 3-4 large mushrooms, thickly sliced
- 2 plump cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 chicken stock cube dissolved in 200cc boiling
- 250cc white wine
- 1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon or 1/2 tsp. dried
- A good grinding of black pepper and a very good
pinch of salt
- A small dried chilli bashed in a pestle and
- 1 medium courgette cut into large dice
- 3 tbls. cornflour mixed to a paste with a
little water
- 6 oz./125g. Mascarpone cheese
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Pie Recipe Method - The
a good quality food processor - pulse the
flour, butter, margerine and
salt together until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
- Add the water to the mixture and pulse until it
starts to cling
together (add a little more water if necessary).
- Turn out dough onto a floured board and knead
for about 20 seconds until you have a smooth, even ball
- Divide
the pastry into balls of
2/3 and 1/3 and
wrap in cling film. Refrigerate for 30
- Using
2/3 of the pastry, roll it out on a floured board and line a 10" quiche
dish, trimming the pastry
to 1/2" above the edge of the dish to allow
for shrinkage - crimp the edges with your fingers.
- Place the greaseproof paper on top of the
pastry - making sure it is all covered and fill with your baking beans
or rice.
- Place on the middle shelf of a pre-heated oven
at 400ºf./200ºc. and bake for 20 minutes.
- Remove greaseproof paper and beans/rice and
cook the quiche for a further 10 minutes.
- Take it from the oven and leave it to cool.
Pie Recipe - Filling
- First
heat the olive oil
in a large
non stick fry pan that
has a lid, add the
chicken pieces, the onion,
celery and saute, stirring well over a medium heat until evenly golden
- Add the red pepper, continue to
cook for 2 mins
continuously. (Stirring will allow the ingredients to cook evenly,and
stop them sticking).
- Add the mushrooms and garlic, cook for 2 more
minutes, still stirring.
- Pour in the chicken stock and the white
- Add the tarragon, pepper, salt and chilli.
- Turn the heat down to very low, put the lid on
the pan and allow to simmer VERY slowly for 40 minutes.
- Add the courgettes and simmer for a further 3
- Take the pan off the heat and add the cornflour
paste , stirring well. Return to heat and stir 'til thickened.
- Stir in the Mascarpone cheese and put
aside to cool.
- Check for seasoning...it may need a little more
- Once cooled the filling is ready to be used for
the pie.
your Chicken Pie Recipe Together
- Take
the remaining 1/3rd of the pastry from the fridge and roll it out on a
floured surface, to a good inch more than the size of the base of your
flan dish. (Holding the flan dish over the pastry to get a good idea of
the size).
- With a sharp knife cut round the flan dish
allowing the extra inch.
- Pile the cold pie filling into the cooked
pastry case, spreading it out evenly.
- it will be very full, but don't worry ...that's
why we have the extra
- Brush
the edge of the cooked flan dish pastry with a some water, then
carefully lift the rolled out pastry and gently place evenly over the
- Bring the edge of the uncooked crust up to join
edge of the cooked pastry and nip together with your finger making a
crimp ...do this all around the pie until base and crust are properly
- Brush the crust with plenty of the beaten egg
glaze, and using a sharp knife make a 1/2 inch hole in the centre of
the pie.
- Re-roll the pastry scraps and cut out
4 leaves... arrange them around the hole in the pie.
- Brush them with more of the egg glaze.
- Put
the pie on a baking pan/sheet and bake in a
pre heated oven 200ºc./ 400ºf.
for 25- 30 minutes, until the pastry is evenly golden brown.
Its a good idea to let the pie rest for at least 15 mins before
serving....just time enough to have a lovely, well-earned, glass
of wine!
Or if you like it is great eaten cold.
A Great Mediterranean Chicken

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