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Apple Recipe
This baked apple
recipe is one of our favorites and uses all natural
ingredients...cinnamon, mixed spice, juicy sultana's, crunchy walnut's,
zesty lemon and only
a little honey for added sweetness.
You get a real flavour of the Mediterranean region from an easy and
quick cooking method.
find it easy to lose weight when you stick to this type of fresh fruit
and vegetable diet with just a little white meat thrown in for variety.
Enjoy this great recipe with a clear conscience - you'll be back for
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Apple Recipe Ingredients
For 2
2 Large Bramley Cooking Apples, or Granny Smith's. (Try to get a type
that is
quite sharp rather then sweet)
2 Tablespoons Honey
1/4 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1/4 Teaspoon Mixed Spice
45g Roughly Chopped Walnuts
45g Roughly Chopped Sultanas
The Juice and Finely Grated Rind of Half a Lemon
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Apple Recipe Method
- Take out the core of both apples using an apple
corer, or a sharp knife. Make a continuous slit, about an eighth of an
inch deep, around the centre
"waist" of each apple (see photo above ingredients).
- Cut a small piece of apple out of the removed
core and push it right down to the bottom of the hole that you have
made removing the core, so thet it seals the base of the apple. This
will help to keep the filling from seeping out of the bottom during
- Place the apples into a casserole dish.
- In a bowl mix all of the other
ingredients until evenly incorporated.
- Push this mixture firmly into the holes of the
apples, pressing down well to ensure each is well packed with its
stuffing, finishing with a neat mound on the top.
- Pour about 1/2 an inch of water into
the bottom of the casserole dish.
- Bake at 180ºC/350ºF on the middle shelf of the
oven for approximately 40 - 45 minutes, until the apple is soft and
golden brown.
- Serve the apples immediately with the juices
poured over them, and a little creme fraiche on the side....we find the
reduced fat one delicious with this dessert.

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